Filthy Rich Writer Review- Is it a Facebook Scam?

What you need to know about Filthy Rich Writer before purchasing.

Is it really possible to make 6 figures while working from home in your pajamas? The Filthy Rich Writer claims it is. Is it a scam? Absolutely not. 

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links for a course I use and love. I may receive commissions for purchases made through these links, so I can continue sharing copywriting awesomeness with you! 

How I Found Filthy Rich Writer

I ran across an ad for Filthy Rich Writer on Facebook one day in March 2022. I was home with sick kiddos and mindlessly scrolling during nap time. Ever since my son was born, I've felt a pull to be home more, and as we all know, Facebook seems to know your thoughts. The ad brought me to a link that said, Free Copywriting Video Training.

I couldn’t help watching the entire video. Nicki claimed to be able to teach me how to start my own copywriting business in less time than it took to drink a cup of coffee! Somehow, I felt like she was speaking to my momma heart. I could work from home during nap time, and make great money doing it? 

The Copywriting Master: Nicki Krawczyk

What really boosted my confidence in Filthy Rich Writer was reading Nicki’s bio. She is a real person who’s been writing copy for over 20 years, and she’s been teaching others how to write copy for over 10 years. Her straightforward, yet fun voice in the videos I found made me feel like giving her a chance. 

I Learned What Copywriting Was

Even though I have a Master's degree in English education, I wasn’t really sure what copywriting was. Of course I knew about copyright, and how plagiarism worked, but copywriting was a buzzword that remained a mystery for me. Reading Nicki’s interview, How to Break Into Copywriting, helped me learn what copywriting was: using writing to connect people to the right products at the right times, and building relationships between businesses and their customers. 

Why is it Called the Filthy Rich Writer?

Something about the name is just provocative and intriguing. It made me want to know exactly how filthy rich I could end up by getting into copywriting. Nicki’s story about the meaning behind the name really hit home:

“Being filthy rich means having a job you love, being great at what you do, and making great money doing it.” -Nicki K.

But How Much Money Could I Make? 

As a teacher with a Master’s degree, I’d been conditioned to believe that one could only make lots of money with education or an insane amount of luck. But then I heard the story about Brittany, who took the course and is making 6 figures as a copywriter living in Cyprus! I was inspired. I needed to know more. 

I wondered how a teacher like me could possibly make a career pivot like this. I’d spent six years training for my career. Erin’s story, about how she replaced her teaching income in six weeks, helped me realize that it was possible for someone like me to make a work from home writing job work for me. 

I Was Scared of Competition

The last thing holding me back from purchasing the course was the fear that I wouldn’t be able to compete in the job market without a degree or any experience copywriting. Thankfully, I was able to calm my fears by reading the article, Will the Market Be Flooded with Copywriters? I realized that there is so much opportunity out there, and much more work than there are copywriters to do it. 

Once I saw Amy’s story, about how a single mom went from a copywriter with no experience to making $8500/month in 3 months, I realized that I could definitely reach my financial goals in copywriting. 

What Happened Next?

I had a few days to decide before my discount for the course expired, so I talked to my husband, and he encouraged me to go for it. I couldn’t believe he was okay with me spending money on a risk like this, but knowing that other similar courses charged more and gave less, I knew I was making the right decision. 

What I Got

As a lifetime member of the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy, I have:

  • Lifetime Access to the Foundations Course

  • Lifetime Access to 6 Bonus Courses and more added every day

  • Monthly Coaching Calls

  • Exclusive Facebook Peer Group

  • The opportunity to work one-on-one with coaches if needed (for a fee)

Where I Am Now

3 months after purchasing the course, I am home for the summer with my kiddos, and I’ve finished the Foundations Course, several of the Bonus Courses, and I’ve landed some work. I love the fact that I can make money from home during nap time, and I can’t wait to see where this journey continues to take me. I plan to continue teaching and copywriting on the side as long as I feel called to. 

Interested in learning about copywriting? Go to the Filthy Rich Writer homepage or watch the NEW video training to learn how you can begin a flexible career you love.


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